A department of the Westfield Woman's Club
News and Updates
Applications for the 2024 Marion Dunk Scholarship are now being accepted. Please visit our Scholarship Page for more information.
The Westfield Theatre Group is currently seeking potential directors for DISASTER! A 70s Disaster Movie... MUSICAL! Applying directors/teams should submit answers to the questions on our Upcoming Shows page by July 1, 2024.
The Westfield Theatre Group is a department of the Westfield Woman's Club. Located at 28 Court Street in Westfield, the theatre group has been in existence for over 80 years. The purpose of the Westfield Theatre Group is twofold: to provide quality live theater to the community and to encourage members of the community to participate in our productions to learn more about theater.
The group performs a full-length comedy or drama in the fall, with a full-scale musical production in the spring of each season. At times we have also produced holiday musicals written and directed by WTG members in December and an "Evening of One-acts" on occasion.
The Westfield Theatre Group is open to all ages and abilities. We are always welcoming new members and experience is not required.
28 Court Street, Westfield, MA, USA
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1512, Westfield, MA 01086